Australian International Moth Association#getamoth You know you want to |
It's game on!
2024 Lowrider Moth National Titles
14th - 20th January 2024
Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Queensland.
It's time to get serious! Entries are now being accepted by LCSC and the countdown has begun.
Buy a boat, fix a boat, Just get a boat and get yourself there. It's gonna be a blast again!
Last year resulted in everyone having big smiles and many stories to share. Watch the below videos.
Make sure you don't miss this opportunity to make some awesome memories!
Entries: Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club
Accomodation suggestions: Booreen Point Camp Ground, local Appollonian Hotel, BnBs, or Real Estates.
Big thanks to our Sponsors:
Here are some videos of last year Nats' showing the great times had by all.
Day One, Two, Three and Four
Follow this link for day four wrap up (facebook wont let me embed the video)
Welcome to the Scow and Lowriders page
There is a growing interest being shown in the Scow and Lowrider Moth designs, with many existing boats being restored and new boats being built.
Sailors with a history in Moths, and even sailors new to the Moth scene, are enjoying hitting the water again in social and racing events being held in most States.
If you are interested in joining us and having a blast, head over to the Facebook groups to have a chat. Boats for sale pop up often, and current builds and restorations can be followed. Keep an eye out for an event near you, drop down and say hi.
Get involved and don't miss out on the fun!
Our European friends are also getting amongst the action, see their website and facebook site here:
Sailing Clubs where we sail Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Qld. Concord & Ryde Sailing Club NSW If there are moths sailing at your club let us know. Scow and Lowrider Designs One of the great aspects of the moth is that a perfectly competitive legal moth can be built at home with a few sheets of very thin plywood. As we find plans we will make them available here. We have found the mk2 plans from Len Morris and we have made them available here. New Scows are still being built and they are just as much a part of the moth class as the latest high tech foiler. If you are wishing to build a scow or lowrider feel free to use one of the below designs. Or, contact us on Facebook and we will put you in contact with someone who can build one. | Tuning and Racing Tips The following three historic IMCA magazines have been kindly scanned and provided for our viewing by Jim and David French. Each magazine contains tips on rigging setups, tuning the rig and sailing fast techniques. Also a great read, a wealth of knowledge from the masters, with many names you may recognise. Boat Register We have a limited list of historical sail numbers here. It is not perfect, and we cannot guarantee accuracy but it may have some information on the boat you found in an old shed. If you found one, we would love to hear about your journey in bringing her back to life. A register is under constant development in Facebook land. |
A few videos to get you psyched |
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