The time has come for our AGM.
Similar to last year, we are choosing to do this ovet a video conference. The great advantage is that it allows so many more people to engage than just those who go to the nationals and we get a more robust outcome that takes input from a larger range of the class.
Login details shall be distributed to all registered attendees beforehand.
Details on the Agenda, committee reports and all proposals are available in the members areas in the website at the following location.
Members are invited to submit proposals for new business up to 7 days prior to the meeting. Please email proposals to Valid proposals will be included in the agenda, however any of those that need further assessment will be indentified but held off based on later review.
Voting on all key proposals will be done after the AGM using online forms with the motions publised to all members.
Attendance at the AGM is open to all registered members of IMCA (Aus), however voting will be restricted to only those who are financial members in the following categories.
Looking forward to see you online.